For Teachers

For teachers who are interested in supporting the Estabrook PTO, thank you! There is a Teacher Membership support level in Membership Toolkit available for purchase. This ten-dollar ($10) membership includes an Estabrook car magnet.

To purchase this membership level, simply click on this link. You will be asked to input your email address, after which you will be emailed a link to a personalized storefront, where you can purchase the Teacher Membership.

If you prefer to pay by check, simply leave a check made out to Estabrook PTO for the correct amount with the front desk, in an envelope addressed to PTO Treasurer, ATTN: Teacher Membership. Please make sure your name is indicated on the check or envelope.

Thank you!

Stipend information –2022-23 Stipend Information 

Mini-Grant Application Form–2022-23 Grant Application

Reimbursement Form–2022-23 Stipend Reimbursement Form